Monday, December 28, 2009

A girl deleted my from myspace?

She goes to my school.......we don't talk but we are "cool" with each other. And I was viewing my friend's profile and she's on it and I haven't seen any bulletins from her so I click on her profile and it says it's private which means she deleted me.

Should I be angry?

A girl deleted my from myspace?

Dude, just ask her if your cool with her.

Man how the **** should we know, seriously.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

No. Its her loss, right?! ;-)

A girl deleted my from myspace?

no, just forget it...she might have done it by accident. but if you're really gunna obsess over it, just ask her wtf.


hope this helped

A girl deleted my from myspace?

No! I don't think you should be angry just leave it alone.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

Absolutely. I'd delete her from MY myspace, that'll really show her! Seriously, who cares? If that's your biggest concern in life then you have it pretty good. Get over it.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

No you shouldn't. It's just MySpace. Just add her again or talk to her at school.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

No, you guys aren't even friends. You're just "cool" with eachother.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

newsflash... MYSPACE isn't REAL LIFE! WHO CARES?!?!?! It is a website.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

could be an accident. talk to her and see what the deal was.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

Ask her about it. It could be a mistake.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

ask her about it first...she might have deleted you by accident...I did that once.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

Nahhhh....You have other friends to talk to. :)

A girl deleted my from myspace?

Myspace is going through tons of repairs on that site so they maybe deleted your account you should be crying but don't let it get too you. its relle showing you the site numbers. a spammer could ave deleted her account or most likley her friend. but if u know myspace a lot you will find out it is always under construction. i always made a joke they let u use the site under construction becuz it will always be under construcrtion lol its called "REPAIRING EVERYONES LIFE "

A girl deleted my from myspace?

No if you are a dude she could have an insecure boyfriend. I wouldn't worry about it. She is not a close friend so no biggie.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

id be mad..but i get pretty tempermental about that stuff. id ask ur friend to ask her about it..that way it wont be so awkward.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

i wouldnt worry too much, my daughter is on my space and i made sure she has her profile private. she never said that it deleted any of her friends on there.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

do you post a lot of bulletins??

ive deleted some of my close friends b/c i was sooo annoyed with all the dumb bulletins she posted!


A girl deleted my from myspace?

I don't think you should be mad. Upset maybe, but you did say you really don't talk that much. There are far more things to worry about. She also may have done it just to see if it causes problems with you and your real friends. Don't let it. Just be cool and go on. There are far more things to worry about.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

Nope...don't worry about it. There are more important things in life than worring if a girl (that you're not even friends with) deleted you from myspace.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

OUCH! I know that hurts. If you play hard to get and realize that you are hard to get, INSTEAD OF BEING DESPARATE, you will be fine. If you are sure that you haven't hurt her feelings in some way, drop her. I wouldn't be able to be friends with someone who did something intentionally hurtful such as deleting your name. That is called BULLYING. She has the problem not you, avoid her. I am teaching my 3 year old to walk away from a bully right now, and it is what you should do to! BLOW HER OFF! Don't talk about her to others, again you will look desparate, don't bad mouth her, don't try to find out why she did it. If it ever comes up, you laugh, acting like you think it is silly, not evil, because she is silly, just silly doing something evil

A girl deleted my from myspace?

just add her again. myspace isnt really about anything. who cares if they delete you. its there loss

A girl deleted my from myspace?

WHY do you think YOU should be angry? If it is HER Myspace account she has the right to make it private or not. You don't get to dictate whether she does or not and you don't get to dictate who she has on her friend's list.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

Myspace is so overrated anyway. It's not the end of the world.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

i understand ur problem.. u must b thinking y did she delete it.. u must be thinking she is rude and she must be wanting to not let u enjoy in it.. right???actually u r right in one way...but just chill... u think about ur life and enjoy it.. u can make it again.. ok..? dont get spoilt ur mood..!! :-)

A girl deleted my from myspace?

If you don't even talk... WHO CARES?

Yeah if your best friend deleted you suddenly, maybe talk it over.. but someone that you aren't even really friends with was probably just deleting the people that she doesn't know well.

Go do your homework.

A girl deleted my from myspace?

well just check with her to make sure thats

what i did when my friend did that and she said she thought i was someone she didnt know because of my usernmae lol i think u 2 r still cool hopefully so yea check in with her

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