Saturday, November 28, 2009

Is this destiny or what? This girl found me on myspace.?

Im currently in 11th grade i used to go to a different school k-3rd grade then i moved. Me and this girl were really good freinds. I havent talked to her in yrs and i got a messege on myspace saying hey did you used to live here and on this street? I was like wow! its been yrs! I often had dreams about her for yrs every once in a while of child hood memories. I got her myspace and talked to her on IM. Does she like me or is this just an old freind. I dont get anything anymore it seems like fate is bound somehow. Its strange. what does this all mean nothing or something?

Is this destiny or what? This girl found me on myspace.?

Wow...that is really cool!

I think that in means something because she took the time out of her life to look for you on myspace. lol

Can you help me with my question?;...

Is this destiny or what? This girl found me on myspace.?

maybe nothing, maybe something....just keep talking to her on IM and see where it leads.....sounds promising.

Is this destiny or what? This girl found me on myspace.?

At your age, it could seem like destiny, voo doo, or whatever. You'd be wise to NOT let yourself 'fall' for anyone too deeply. Try to keep it on a friends basis. if you let it go deeper, you'll probably get more experience, but hurt as well. of course, that's part of it... and you can't go thru life without being hurt (it's the law).

My advice... don't assume anything. Just go with the flow. Use the 'scales' method... if the scales start to tip one way or the other too much, back off. Too much hassle and grief is a sign. You have to work at any relationship... but it shouldn't seem like you're having to swim against the current all the time. If it's right, it should feel natural, not forced. Learn to spot a 'flirt'... you don't want a grilfriend who flirts with you... and discover, she also flirts with others. Don't even think about the 'm' word 'til you're 25-30, and have your education, career, and finances in good condition. Watch Dr. Phil. Good advice... on most everything... and, for free.

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